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November 24, 2021 | My Final Day as an Intern (8.0 hours)

On my last day as an intern, I worked the first boys’ basketball games versus Perrysburg. Instead of discussing what I have done for the game, I will address the final reflections of my internship by answering the questions provided.

What aspect of the internship experience added to your personal development?

I have definitely increased my interpersonal skills, which is an area I felt I was lacking. The interpersonal skills I used in the military are much different from those in the civilian sector.

What experiences on the job have related to your academic studies?

I spent a lot of time working on and adding content to the high school’s website. This relates to my academic studies in both the creation of my website and electronic communications.

What was the quality of supervision and communication with your supervisor?

The quality of supervision and communication with my supervisor was excellent. Mark allowed me the freedom to work when I wanted and always made himself available to me even when he was swamped.

How has the internship influenced your career objectives?

I have had many people ask me if I was crazy to want the position of Athletic Director. It is a daunting career with lots of time away from home and family. While I am not fond of that aspect, I feel there are things I could do to improve the work-life balance within the position.

If other students were considering this job, what advice would you pass on to them about this position?

Later in my internship, I began reading the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) handbook. If looking into an internship with a high school athletic director, I would advise them to know the policies and restrictions that high school athletics must adhere to. I would also recommend they be more involved with working with parent issues. This seems to be the number one headache for the Athletic Director and his staff. Understanding how to work with them will be beneficial.

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